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Total Body Workout

Success Stories
Improved Fitness Training Successes
Injury Recovery Training Successes
Stress Reduction Training Successes
Rowbike Videos

Rowbike, Success Stories

Improved Fitness

Michelle EwaldAstonishing Results in a Short Time—Cross Training on Rowbike

I absolutely love the Rowbike! It's the perfect compliment to my running workouts. I don't have the patience for lifting weights, but I've always wanted to do more for my upper body, specifically targeting my abs, shoulders and arms. Rowbike was the answer!

Rowbike Owner

Jim AllenCommuting With Rowbike

Several months ago I purchased a Rowbike 720 Sport. The plan was to rowl one day and pedal on my road bike the 5.5 mile to work the next day. After about a week, I found that the Rowbike was so much fun it became my exclusive form of transportation to work.

-Jim Allen
Rowbike Owner


Rowbike—A Fitness Machine, a Healthy Addiction

I purchased my Rowbike back in May of 2007 and have since lost the additional 25 pounds that were very difficult to take off. At that time I was looking into joining a gym for the third time, knowing I would probably not follow through with the program, as I have in the past. I don't enjoy working out at the gym but knew I needed to do something to burn those extra calories that were being so easily stored in my body. My walking program of five to six miles five days a week was not enough anymore.

My prayers were answered when my coworker and friend, Jim, rowled into work one day. I looked at the bike and asked, "What is that?"

-Jaye M.
Warren, RI

Geir on RowbikeNorwegian Rowbiker: Rowbike—My Dream and Means of Transportation!

I use the bike as my transportation vehicle, and not as an exercise- tool. The magic thing is that I feel a lot stronger in my upper body and  feel very fit, just by doing the same stretches as I have done for  years on an ordinary bicycle, without feeling fit. Brilliant! The  improvements came after just a few weeks.


-Geir  Tangerud
Norwegian Rowbiker


Ten-year Rowbike Owner Zach "Sweet Rower" Laputz from Bicycling Capitol Davis California Has the Whole Family Staying Fit with Rowbike

As an avid cyclist, I knew the Rowbike was a perfect fit when I saw the commercial ten years ago. For about 15 years, I cycled to and from my job. I had to stop at a nearby gym to get an upper body workout with a rowing machine, which I used for about 45 minutes each day. I loved the lower body workout that I got from using my bike, but felt like I had the "T-Rex Syndrome" - a strong lower body, but very limited upper body strength. I always thought it would be really great if someone would come up with a way to get both an upper and lower body workout with a bike and single workout. Lo and behold, the Rowbike.

-Zach Laputz
10-year Rowbike Owner

KidfitRowling: Perfect Crosstraining In the Rain

I was a professional figure skater and currently am a personal trainer, Pilates instructor and marathon runner. I have to say Rowbiking has helped me improve at all my other sports. I feel like I don't have to lift weights as much, and it has made me a stronger runner.



An Outdoor Workout for the Entire Body

I love being outdoors and I do a lot of road cycling. Although cycling is an excellent exercise for the legs and for the cardiovascular system, it doesn't do anything for the upper body. I'm absolutely bored stiff by static rowing machines, so I was looking for a solution online when I found the Rowbike. I was thrilled to find a cycle that allowed me to work both my upper and lower body while enjoying the great outdoors.

-Jerome Rush,
London, United Kingdom

The Perfect Minimal Impact Exercise Machine

"I'm really enjoying my 720 Sport and indoor trainer and find it the PERFECT exercise machine for me even though I have a complete gym at home (including weight machines, treadmill, Lifecycle, and Nautilus ab machine). It's the best cardiovascular product I've found for someone like myself with many stress related injuries from the impact of over 45 years of running.  I'm glad to be on "Team Rowbike" now! Best to you in marketing this GREAT product!"

- Herb K.
68 years young
Business Owner
Boston, MA

Rowbike—Filling Special Needs

"Thank you Rowbike for opening up a whole new world of recreational enjoyment and exercise for me. I am an amputee, having lost my left leg to cancer. Before that, I bicycled regularly for fitness and for the pure pleasure of it. It was one of those things I missed most after my amputation. For exercise, I bought a rowing machine. It worked perfectly as an exercise machine for an amputee, but it was BORING! When I heard about Rowbike I was immediately interested. A rowing machine on wheels!

— Mike R.
Houston, TX

Rowling Strong on Rowbike Number Two

"After three years on my single-speed Rowbike, I upgraded to a multi-speed. Riding my Rowbike through the neighborhood is something that I look forward to everyday. I don’t think of it as a workout, but rather a positive way to relieve the stress of the day. My ride is usually about 40 minutes. With my new multi-speed I can take the steeper paths to the University. The best thing is the reactions I get from people as I ride by. I so much enjoy the waves and smiles from children and adults. Teenagers think I’m cool! The other day I saw a dog sitting in a driveway and as he watched me pass by, I could swear he was smiling! Thanks again."

— Ben T.
59 years young
Long Beach, CA