|   1.877.ROWBIKE
Weight Loss Cross Training General Fitness


Total Body Workout

Amazing Health Benefits
Target Abs and Back (Core Strength)
Twice the Workout in Half the Time
Lose Weight & Burn Fat
Cross train to Build Strength

Stress Reduction& Recreation

Reduce Stress

Injury Recovery / Therapy

Gentle to the Body
Special Needs

Rowing, Amazing Health Benefits

Find out why rowing—a low impact total body workout—is too good to be true

  • Riding through wind generates a naturalhigh that indoor exercise machines can't match.
  • You'll be burning approximately 50 percent more calories than ordinary exercise bikes.
  • Delivers twice the cardio benefits of fitness bikes -- in less than half the time!
  • Provides a low impact cardio exercise (ideal for runners with knee injuries)
  • Total body conditioning including an outstanding abdominal workout and a full body stretch.
  • Burn more calories per hour as jogging but without the stress on your hips, joints, knees and back

Imagine gliding your way to a fitter, slimmer body, lower blood pressure and a higher metabolism. Rowbike is an exercise machine that provides total body conditioning with the speed and excitement of a bicycle, inline skates or downhill skis. It's a fitness machine that will take you where you want to go.

For decades physiologists from around the world have agreed that rowing is one of the top three exercises, along with cross-country skiing and swimming. Working out on Rowbike gives you fast results: stronger abs, back and core muscles. And rowing is virtually stress-free on the whole body.

Rowing is the most complete and efficient workout available, so fire up! Since its introduction in 1996, thousands of fitness enthusiasts have chosen the Rowbike over home gyms, Bow Flex, Concept2 rowing machines, elliptical machines and treadmills. And every Rowbike is backed by a 60-day unconditional money back guarantee.

Great health to you!

Yours in sport,

Scott Olson
Rowbike and Roller blade Inventor

Rowing Techniques
Learn the basics of proper rowing technique.

Focus on the body-sculpting benefits of your Rowbike workout with advanced techniques.